Marriage Is Beneficial to Health

23 03 2010

Marriage is one of the central principles of many religions. Most Christian sects, along with Islam, Judaism, and various other systems of belief focus on the union of a man and a woman as being one of the greatest commandments of God.

Research by Brian Baker, a cardiologist, has shown that marriage alleviates many of the indicators of future health problems, such as blood pressure, stress levels, and even immune system strength. The reduction of these factors can prevent the leading causes of death in the Unites States.

“The benefits are better physical health, more resistance to infection, fewer infections, and a reduced likelihood of dying from cancer, from heart disease, from all major killers,” -John Gottman, PhD.

These results are true primarily in “good” marriages. In marriages that are suffering, it may actually be better to avoid your spouse, says Baker. Being around a spouse while in a poor marriage can actually increase blood pressure.

It is interesting to note that married couples are more likely to be healthy except in regard to weight.  Married couples are more likely to be overweight than those who are not married.

From a more holistic perspective, marriage also benefits spiritual and emotional health (Church News).

The formula for a successful marriage? Having common beliefs and values. This would be easy to achieve in a marriage in which both parties share the same religious values.



6 responses

24 03 2010

I thought that marriage would increase stress and blood pressure. It makes sense that a good marriage would help a person’s health. This is an interesting article.

27 03 2010

Having common beliefs and values seems like more of a relationship basis than a relationship solution. It’s something you start out with, not something you change to match your partner’s. Nonetheless, having commonalities as significant as these is definitely beneficial in relationships.

27 03 2010

Maybe it has to do with a lifestyle change when you get married. Single may stay out later and get less sleep. They may go to bars more often to meet people and party more often.

4 04 2010

This is an interesting post. I think that when people are in good marriages they have more of a desire to take care of themselves so that they can be alive for their spouse longer. It seems that when you have good relationships you are happier, which contributes to your overall health. I thought it was interesting that many people gain weight as married couples. I think couples should help each other eat healthy and exercise regularly to prevent this!

4 04 2010

As a married person, I have seen the personal benefits of my marriage. I can really see how my marriage has contributed to a better sense of well-being.

9 04 2010

This was interesting to read. I hesitated when I read the title because I know a lot of people gain wait after they get married, but when I read what you said about having common beliefs and values, I understood. That is very true!

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